Dozens of protesters in the Capital of Kenya, Nairobi were arrested on Tuesday June 18, 2024 as they kicked against certain taxes they fear will stifle economic growth and lead to job losses.
In addressing the situation, the government of Kenya has scrapped some of the proposed taxes in this year’s financial bill including a 16 percent levy on bread. The announcement is from the chairman of the Parliamentary finance committee, Kuria Kimani, and was made during a presser in which the President of Kenya, William Ruto attended.
Other proposed taxes that have been axed include ones on cooking oil, mobile money services, and on motor vehicles which critics said will have also hit the insurance industry. Mr Kimani also announced a reversal on a proposed eco tax that targeted products seen as having a negative impact on the environment, such as packaging, plastics and tyres. The decision to drop some of the bills is made to protect Kenyans from the increasing cost of living.